The Gwadar Development Authority (GDA) has designated 2025 as the “Year of Gwadar,” marking the launch of three major initiatives under the Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan, which is completing its first phase spanning 2017 to 2025.
The decision was made during a high-level meeting led by GDA Chairman Shafqat Anwar Shahwani on January 6. The meeting approved expanding the urban development area to 118.0 sq km and endorsed the connection of the East Bay Expressway to the New Gwadar International Airport (NGIA).
Pakistan and China jointly endorsed the Gwadar Smart Port City Master Plan at the 9th JCC meeting on November 5, 2019. A GDA official shared that the three key projects include the Central Business District (CBD), Gwadar Special Economic Zone (GSEZ), and the New Gwadar International Airport (NGIA).
According to the official, progress on the Central Business District, covering 12.3 square kilometers and costing an estimated Rs 84-90 billion, is set for 2025. The CBD development is expected to take a decade and generate Rs 400 billion in profits.
The official highlighted plans to address environmental concerns through a solar park and other on- and off-grid energy solutions to meet Gwadar’s energy needs.
The Gwadar Special Economic Zone (GSEZ) aims to enhance opportunities for trade, both inclusive and exclusive. The creation of tax-free zones is expected to stimulate local economic growth and job creation.
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