Pakistan expands IT sector with tech parks and digital initiatives to boost technological transformation of the country.
The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunication (MoITT), through the Pakistan Software Export Board (PSEB), has set up 43 Software Technology Parks (STPs) across the country, including in smaller cities. These parks accommodate over 350 IT and IT-enabled Services (ITeS) firms, employing around 18,000 professionals across a total workspace of 1.9 million square feet. Women make up 20% of the workforce in these technology centers.
Established between FY2022-24, the STPs are located in key cities such as Islamabad, Lahore, Karachi, Faisalabad, Quetta, Sialkot, and Swat. These hubs contribute approximately $100 million in foreign exchange earnings annually and add $15 million to the domestic economy. To further advance Pakistan’s ICT sector, the government is developing two large-scale IT parks. One of these is a $186 million facility in Karachi, spanning 1.12 million square feet, which is expected to be operational by 2027. It is projected to generate 13,400 jobs and increase IT exports by $90 million.
Similarly, an IT park currently under construction in Islamabad covers 720,000 square feet and is expected to be completed by 2025 at a cost of $88.4 million. This facility is anticipated to create 7,500 jobs and boost IT exports by $70 million.
As part of a broader digital transformation strategy, the government aims to establish 250 e-Rozgaar centers across the country by 2027 under the “Prime Minister’s Initiatives—Support for Startups, Specialized IT Trainings, and Venture Capital” program. These initiatives are designed to expand Pakistan’s digital economy, improve IT infrastructure, and support the nation’s growing tech sector.
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