Pakistan, China advance partnership for castor industry incorporating advanced techniques in methods for products.
On March 25, Pakistan’s Roomi Agriculture Company and China’s Zibo Academy of Agricultural Sciences formalized a Cooperation Framework Agreement centered on the castor industry. The agreement encompasses collaboration in scientific breeding, advanced planting techniques, deep processing, and the marketing of castor-based products.
Given the sensitivity of castor seed cultivation to environmental factors, particularly water availability, a Shandong-based agricultural firm will oversee seed production, provide technical expertise, and develop digital cultivation technologies. This company will also be responsible for researching and producing digital water-fertilizer equipment and designing digital models to optimize pre-planting, mid-planting, and post-harvest processes.
Zibo Academy of Agricultural Sciences has successfully developed herbicide-resistant and salt-tolerant castor germplasm resources through biotechnology, molecular breeding, and field hybridization. The academy will play a key role in variety selection, refining cultivation methods, and providing support for industry chain information.
Roomi Agriculture, on the other hand, plans to expand large-scale castor bean cultivation on its own farms and in collaboration with partner farms.
According to World Bank data, India dominates global castor oil production, contributing over 80% to the total supply chain. Data from China’s General Administration of Customs reveals that in 2024, China imported castor oil and its derivatives worth RMB 3.75 billion, with India supplying the bulk of it at RMB 3.74 billion.
The demand for castor oil remains high, especially in the cosmetics and pharmaceutical industries, making global markets vulnerable to price fluctuations caused by supply constraints. Industry experts emphasize that while advancements in breeding and irrigation methods could help mitigate these constraints, castor oil prices are likely to stay elevated due to sustained demand exceeding supply. As a result, companies are actively exploring alternative cultivation regions outside of India to diversify the supply chain.
Pakistan’s climate and soil conditions, particularly in the rain-fed Pothwar region, offer ideal conditions for castor cultivation, presenting an opportunity for expansion. According to Ghulam Shabbir, an expert from Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University, the region holds strong potential for increasing castor production.
In 2023, Pakistan exported castor seeds worth USD 2.69 million, ranking it as the country’s 660th largest export product. The primary buyers were China, which imported the entire USD 2.69 million worth, and the UAE, which imported USD 2.03 million.
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